
Friday, April 19, 2013

How to recover the hidden or lost files

1: Goto Run and type cmd and hit "Enter".
2: Then, type the USB thumbdrive letter with ":" and hit "Enter"
3: Now, the current directory is changed to your thumbdrive directory.

4: Then, type command "dir /a" and hit "Enter" to view all of the hidden files.
5: If there are any file named autorun.inf or some .exe file that you are unaware then go for next steps else the drive is not affected with any autorun.inf file.
6: Type “attrib -h -r -s -a *.* ” then hit “Enter“. (This command removes the Hidden, Read Only, System and Archive attributes over any file)

7: After unhiding and removing attributes you can see the files. So you can delete the file now.
8: Type “del ” in the Command Prompt and hit “Enter“. 
9: you can also rename the file by typing " rename auto run.inf aa"(aa is new name) to delete the file.

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