
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Project Management (PJM for DIT)

Unit Code: DIP/IT/ES/PJMTl2
Unit Title : Project Management (PJM)
Unit Value : 0.5
Learning Time : 50 Hours

Aim of the Unit: 
1. To understand the importance of project management
2. To know the principal tasks of software project manager
3. To understand the need for project planning in all software projects
4. To introduce the notion of risk management

Assessment Scheme:

Assignment 1:  Skill Area 545 and 546 (60%) 
Phase Test:   Skill Area 547 and 548 (40%)


Hardware Technology (HWT for ND)


It is essential that ND graduates possess the Hardware Technology to perform well at tertiary education level as well as in professional IT environment. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills to identify and the use of appropriate hardware technology in term of maintaining, diagnostics and troubleshooting personal computer.


1. To identify personal computer components
2. To perform basic preventive maintenance on personal computer
3. To install and setup variety of components on personal computer
4. To diagnose and perform troubleshooting action down to the board level
5. To discover proven methodologies to simplify complex personal computer problem
6. To optimize performance of a personal computer


Assignment 1  Skill Area 344  (30%) 
Assignment 2  Skill Area 345  (35%) 
Assignment 3  Skill Area 346  (35%)

Data Communication and Networking (DCN for DIT)

Unit Code : DIP/IT/ES/DCN712
Unit Title : Data Communication and Networking (DCN)
Unit Value : 1.0
Learning Time : 100 Hours

Aim of the unit: At the end of this unit course students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the general principles of data transmission appropriate to Computer Networking
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the problems of internet working devices in a network and setting up a local area network or wide area network
3. Install, operate and maintain a local area network

Assessment Scheme:
  1. Assignment 1: Skill Area 530 and 531 (30%)
  2. Assignment 2: Skill Area 532 and 533 (35%)
  3. Phase Test: Skill Area 530, 531 and 532 (35%)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Computer System for Information Technology (DIT)

Computer Systems for Information Technology (CSI)
(3rd June 2013 – 23rd August 2013)

Unit Code : DIP/IT/ES/CSI712
Unit Title : Computer Systems for Information Technology
Unit Value : 1.0 Learning Time : 100 Hours
Aims of the unit: The unit aims to develop students' understanding of:
 1. Different computer types, their attributes and characteristics
 2. Functions of a software system
 3. Different operating systems

Assessment Scheme:
Phase Test           Skill Area 517                       30%
Assignment 1       Skill Area 513 and 514          35%
Assignment 2       Skill Area 515 and 516          35%

Friday, April 19, 2013

How to recover the hidden or lost files

1: Goto Run and type cmd and hit "Enter".
2: Then, type the USB thumbdrive letter with ":" and hit "Enter"
3: Now, the current directory is changed to your thumbdrive directory.

4: Then, type command "dir /a" and hit "Enter" to view all of the hidden files.
5: If there are any file named autorun.inf or some .exe file that you are unaware then go for next steps else the drive is not affected with any autorun.inf file.
6: Type “attrib -h -r -s -a *.* ” then hit “Enter“. (This command removes the Hidden, Read Only, System and Archive attributes over any file)

7: After unhiding and removing attributes you can see the files. So you can delete the file now.
8: Type “del ” in the Command Prompt and hit “Enter“. 
9: you can also rename the file by typing " rename auto run.inf aa"(aa is new name) to delete the file.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Computer Networks (L4DC)

Overview of L4DC The Level 4 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L4DC) makes up the first year of the NCC Education degree journey. The programme is equivalent to the first year of an IT degree programme in the UK university system. You will be given the opportunity to develop essential thinking and study skills, not only within the computing domain, but also within the context of business through a balance of academic and vocational subjects. The programme will allow you to understand and enter the computing profession with the necessary knowledge expected within the industry and the ability to apply the skills to a range of IT-related functions. On successful completion of the programme you will be able to embark on NCC Education's Level 5 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L5DC), which is equivalent to the second year of a UK Bachelor's degree, transfer to a university or pursue a career in the IT industry.

This unit aims to provide you with a broad introduction to the networking and communication systems commonly employed in a business environment, along with an understanding of the underlying theoretical frameworks and associated issues such as the testing and security of these systems.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Data Communication and Networking (DCN for ND)

Unit Code : ND/CMP/ES/DCN
Unit Title : Data Communication and Networking
Unit Value : 1.5
Learning Time : 180 Hours

At the end of this unit course students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the general principles of data transmission appropriate to Computer Networking
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the problems of internet working devices in a network and setting up a local area network or wide area network
3. Install, operate and maintain a local area network
4. Install, operate and maintain internet and intranet

Assessment Scheme:

  1. Phase Test :               Skill Area 331 and 332             25%
  2. Assignment 1:            Skill Area 333 and 334             25%
  3. Assignment 2:            Skill Area 335                          20%
  4. End Test:                   All Skill Areas                          30%