
Monday, December 3, 2012

L4DC (Level 4 Diploma in Computing) materials

Overview of L4DC

The Level 4 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L4DC) makes up the first year of the NCC Education degree journey. The programme is equivalent to the first year of an IT degree programme in the UK university system. You will be given the opportunity to develop essential thinking and study skills, not only within the computing domain, but also within the context of business through a balance of academic and vocational subjects. The programme will allow you to understand and enter the computing profession with the necessary knowledge expected within the industry and the ability to apply the skills to a range of IT-related functions. On successful completion of the programme you will be able to embark on NCC Education's Level 5 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L5DC), which is equivalent to the second year of a UK Bachelor's degree, transfer to a university or pursue a career in the IT industry.

Module: Computer System (CS)

Description: It supports the development of practical skills in the configuration, maintenance, fault-finding and trouble-shooting of modern computer systems and develops knowledge of computer architecture.

Computer System Materials

Download Lecture Slides

Download Global Assignment 

Download Virtual Box software

Download Past Year Questions

Monday, October 1, 2012

Introduction to Programming (PND)

This unit is intended for the first year of PND and is designed to serve the developing needs of PND students who will be required to know the basic of programming and become competent and dependable workers capable of undertaking further career development if they choose. Thus, while the range of topics includes immediate vocational needs, it is not restricted to them. It also includes skills which will be useful in a small business environment, others which will serve the student in any subsequent formal or informal study / learning environment and others concerning the wider background and implications of an industrial environment. 

Download Course Structure

Lecture slides Skill Area 203

Lecture slides Skill Area 204

Lecture slides Skill Area 205

Lecture slide Skill Area 206

Lecture slide Skill Area 207

Download Turbo C/C++

Download Assignment A question

Download Assignment B question

Download Assignment C question

ICCS Programming

ICCS Programming

This module makes extensive practical use of the modern programming language Visual Basic 2008 Express to illustrate the classic programming principle of Sequencing, Selection and Iteration in the context of object oriented computer programming.

Download ICCS Programming student guide

Download ICCS Assignment A (December cycle 2012)

Download ICCS Assignment B (December cycle 2012)

Download Test 1

Download Lecture Slide of flowchart and pseudocode

Download Statement own work

Download ICCS Assignment A sample (December cycle 2012)

Download ICCS Assignment B Sample (December cycle 2012)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

FHOS Assignment December 2012 cycle

The assignment Scenario

You are appointed as the new PC Support Technician for Thames Computer Consultants Ltd. The company is planning to open a new administrative branch in your city with appropriate IT infrastructure. The management wishes you to simulate a small IT environment before they undertake a massive IT deployment. You need to perform the following practical tasks that will help you to answer the coursework assignment. Minimum requirements for the Practical simulation:
1. Two to three standard Desktop systems
2. Appropriate Network accessories (Network card, cables etc)
3. Appropriate Internet Connectivity (Dialup, Cable, Broadband)
4. Two different types of Printers ( Inkjet, Laser, Dot-matrix)
5. Microsoft Windows XP and other required minimum software including device drivers, tools and Utilities (Though Windows XP is required as per syllabus, students can be permitted by the Tutor to use later versions of Windows like Windows Vista or Windows 7 covering the same learning outcomes)
6. Any other additional hardware and software as advised by your Tutor


The primary objective of this practical assignment is to cover both the theoretical and practical components of the module. The student needs to assemble a small networked system with the required software and hardware that meets the minimum desired objectives and produce a well documented report evidencing the given tasks.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fundamental of Hardware and Operating System

This module is intended to provide a student with a thorough understanding of the technical and practical skills involved in the maintenance and configuration of personal computers. The module will be of particular benefit to students who seek employment in a technical support role. However, it will also be of great benefit to other students because a student or computing professional who has an understanding of the practical aspects of the maintenance and configuration of a personal computer is better placed to understand other material (in, for example, computer technology, programming, data networking, etc) and to interact with staff engaged in a technical support role.

Upon successful completion of this module candidates will be able to demonstrate a satisfactory performance in the following areas:
  • Hardware installation, configuration and upgrading: Peripherals and ports, installing disk drives, configuring peripheral devices, system upgrading and optimising.
  • Diagnosing and troubleshooting: Symptoms and basic troubleshooting techniques.
  • Preventive maintenance, safety and environment issues: Cleaning, surge protection, high voltage hazards, storage protection,disposal procedures.
  • Motherboards, processors and memory: Various types of current processors, clock speeds, types of RAM, motherboards.
  • Printers and scanners: Printer types, installation and servicing; Scanners, scanner types, and installation.
  • Laptops and portable devices: Types of laptops and portable devices; Introduction to WI-FI.
  • Basic networking: Local Area Network (LAN), network media, troubleshooting LANs, network repair, Internet connectivity (modem, ADSL, WI-FI).
  • Windows Operating System (OS) fundamentals: Windows XP, system files, command line functions, disk directories and files, system utilities.
  • OS Installation, configuration and upgrading: Installing Windows XP, patches and service packs, upgrading the OS, upgrade problems, dual booting with other OSs, system start-up, working with devices, applications and printers.
  • OS diagnosis and troubleshooting: Troubleshooting start-up problems, using XP System Restore, Emergency Repair, ASR backups, blue screen errors, application problems, virus symptoms, removal of viruses.
  • Networking with Windows: Windows network protocols, network printing, installing other network protocols, network troubleshooting tools, Internet connectivity, private IP addresses, Internet application protocols, configuring Internet options, WAN with Windows XP, Network Address Translation (NAT), Windows XP firewall.
  • Hardware and software security: Computer security risks to home and LAN users.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

E-Business Complete Assignment


With the growing use of the Internet, improvements in networking communications and the emergence of cloud computing and software that enables collaborative working, there has been a major increase in the number of individuals now working from home. Such workers may be self-employed, or may be employed by organisations that are seeking to reduce the costs associated with leasing or renting city centre offices, and/or travel and subsistence expenses. One of the results of this move to home working has been the requirement to set up an office environment within residential dwellings. As a consequence there has been a growing demand for office furniture that can be used in a study or spare room. You are an e-commerce consultant and have been approached by a local entrepreneur who wishes to exploit this increased demand for home office furniture. He wishes to offer the following range of furniture:
• Chairs
• Desks
• Cupboards
• Drawer units and pedestals
• Bookcases
• Filing cabinets

He currently has no premises from which to sell the furniture. However he plans to rent warehouse space in which he can store the full range of stock that he will be offering. He does not intend to purchase or rent a shop from which to sell the furniture directly. Instead he proposes to establish a web-only business that will rely entirely on e-commerce sales. He has asked you to carry out a feasibility study that will examine some of the key issues associated with establishing and running his proposed e-commerce business.

The Assignment:

The entrepreneur has asked you to prepare the following outputs from your feasibility study:

1. A briefing document that describes the most appropriate marketing approach which he could use for attracting and retaining customers. He has also asked you to provide him with an understanding of the importance of brand management in an e-commerce environment.
2. A brief explanation of specific security issues about which he is unclear.
3. A short presentation of no more than 15 minutes which will address some of the key issues to consider as part of the planning process prior to moving ahead with the development and launch of the e-commerce site.
4. A note that discusses some of the ways in which new technologies can help to streamline the delivery processes of purchased furniture items, and which includes a suggested returns policy.

Below are the guidelines of the assignment for each task;

Full Assignment question

Statement of Own Work

statement of own work (sample)

Sample of complete assignment

Assignment Submission to Lecturer

Task 1

Task 2 (Report)

Task 2 (microsoft project file)

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6 (report)

Task 6 (Power point file)

Task 7

Example of softcopy (CD) submission

Sunday, May 6, 2012

E-Business week 6

For this week, I will cover chapter 11 & chapter 12. For the assignment, I will explain it on Monday & Tuesday. By this Tuesday, we will discuss about EB assignment task 5 and also chapter 11. On Wednesday & Thursday will be the lecture about chapter 11 & 12. Chapter 11 is about the payment systems for electronic commerce & chapter 12 is about Planning for electronic commerce. Please take note that the due date for task 5 is 11th May 2012.

Download Lecture 11

Download Lecture 12

Download Assignment task 5

Download Assignment task 6

Download Assignment task 6 (power point)

Download assignment task 7

Monday, April 30, 2012

E-Business week 5

For this week, I will cover chapter 9 & chapter 10. For the assignment, I will explain it on Monday & Tuesday. By this Tuesday, we will discuss about EB assignment task 4 and also chapter 9. On Wednesday & Thursday will be the lecture about chapter 9 & 10. Chapter 9 is about the Electronic Commerce software. Chapter 10 is about Electronic Commerce Security. Please take note that the due date for task 4 is 4th May 2012.



Download Assignment task 4

Download Assignment task 5

Sunday, April 22, 2012

E-Business week 4

For this week, I will cover chapter 7 & chapter 8. For the assignment, I will explain it on Monday & Tuesday. By this Tuesday, we will discuss about EB assignment task 3 and also chapter 7. On Wednesday & Thursday will be the lecture about chapter 7 & 8. Chapter 7 is about the environment of E-commerce, Legal, ethical, and tax issues. Chapter 8 is about Web server Hardware and Software. Please take note that the due date for task 3 is 27 April 2012.

Download Lecture 7

Download Lecture 8

Download Assignment Task 3

Download Assignment Task 4

Sunday, April 15, 2012

E-Business week 3

Dear Micronet student

For this week, I will cover chapter 5 & chapter 6.
For the assignment, I will explain it on Monday & Tuesday.
By this Tuesday, we will do the task 2 (project plan) for your assignment.
Wednesday & Thursday will be the lecture about chapter 5 & 6.
Please take note that the due date for task 1 and task 2 is on 20 april 2012.

Download Assignment guideline task 2 

Download Assignment task 2 (microsoft project)

Download Assignment guideline task 3 

Download Lecture 5 

Download Lecture 6 

For microsoft project software, you guys can download it from this link.

Download microsoft project

Friday, April 6, 2012

2nd Week Slides (Chapter 3 & Chapter 4)

9-Apr-2012 until 12-Apr-2012

Chapter 3 (Revenue Model) will on Monday & Tuesday. Chapter 4 (Marketing On the Web) will be on Wednesday & Thursday InsyaAllah. The Quiz 1 will be at any days in between.

Download Chapter 3

Download Chapter 4

Now, you can download the guideline for the assignment task 1 & also the full assignment. We will complete the assignment task by task, starting by task 1 for next week, until task 7 (week 8).  I will explain about the assignment in my class by this week. Any question, feel free to ask me.

Download Assignment task 1

Download the Full Assignment 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First week (2-5 April 2012)

First week lecture will be the introduction about myself & the subject that im going to teach. On Tuesday will be chapter 1, Wednesday & Thursday, i will cover chapter 2 InsyaAllah. Please download the E-Business E-book if you like to read through your computer or u simply lost your EB book. You also can download my slide show for chapter 1 & chapter 2. Just click the links below...TQ IDCS students....

The E-Business course structure

Download Chapter 1 slide

Download Chapter 2 slide