
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Computing Project (CPROJ 2016-2017)

The aim of the Computing Project subject is to provide a student with the opportunity to employ the skills necessary to develop a computing artifact in the context of a loosely specified problem, which involves research, analysis, design, coding, testing and project management knowledge and skills. Through the combination of project sessions, private study and tutorial supervision on this module, students will produce for assessment a proposal, report, demonstration and presentation of their project. 

1. Lecture – 5 Hours
2. Tutorial – 10 Hours
3. Seminar – 5 Hours
4. Tutor Supervision – 4 Hours
5. Private Study – 130 Hours

PROJECT (PRJ 2016-2017)


This course will introduce students to the practice of team developed large scale projects. The student will learn software development principles that will be utilized in the analysis, design, construction, and testing of the project. A very important component of the course will be the team project where a team of students will be responsible for the analysis, design, implementation, and testing of a significant software project. The course will contain a rather substantial amount of programming. The student is expected to enhance their knowledge in integrating subject matters to computerise a real-life manual system. 

This unit aims to develop students' skills in:
1. To apply the principles of software development life cycle learnt
2. To use data gathering methods to do the analysis work
3. To develop an application software for a given scenario
4. To analyse critically the scenario given and use system development tools and techniques learnt to document the flows and processes
5. To design inputs, output and files
6. To be involve in associated activities in a system development life cycle
7. To learn to work in a team

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Computer System (L4DC)

Overview of L4DC

The Level 4 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L4DC) makes up the first year of the NCC Education degree journey. The programme is equivalent to the first year of an IT degree programme in the UK university system. You will be given the opportunity to develop essential thinking and study skills, not only within the computing domain, but also within the context of business through a balance of academic and vocational subjects. The programme will allow you to understand and enter the computing profession with the necessary knowledge expected within the industry and the ability to apply the skills to a range of IT-related functions. On successful completion of the programme you will be able to embark on NCC Education's Level 5 Diploma in Computing (QCF) (L5DC), which is equivalent to the second year of a UK Bachelor's degree, transfer to a university or pursue a career in the IT industry.

Module: Computer System (CS) Description: It supports the development of practical skills in the configuration, maintenance, fault-finding and trouble-shooting of modern computer systems and develops knowledge of computer architecture. Computer System Materials

Friday, January 22, 2016

System Development Project (SDP 2015-2016 HND)

As part of the requirements for the Higher National Diploma with both CP/IS options, students are required to complete a system design project during their final year. This project will require the students to utilise knowledge and skills gained during the course of study to design and implement a computer-based information system or equivalent. Such an activity will assist in developing the students to the point at which they make an immediate contribution to the IT industry of Brunei Darussalam on completion of the course. This is a group-based project consisting of NOT MORE than FOUR students.

Assessment will be criteria based and in accordance with the current BDTVEC Certification & Assessment Policy Guidelines. The assessment will be based on the following guidelines:

1. Investigation & Analysis (10%)
2. Methodology & Standards (5%)
3. Systems Design (30%)
4. Implementation (20%) 
5. Documentation (10%)
6. Project Management (10%)
7. Presentation (10%)