
Sunday, March 30, 2014



This course will introduce students to the practice of team developed large scale projects. The student will learn software development principles that will be utilized in the analysis, design, construction, and testing of the project. A very important component of the course will be the team project where a team of students will be responsible for the analysis, design, implementation, and testing of a significant software project. The course will contain a rather substantial amount of programming. The student is expected to enhance their knowledge in integrating subject matters to computerise a real-life manual system. 

This unit aims to develop students' skills in:

1. To apply the principles of software development life cycle learnt
2. To use data gathering methods to do the analysis work
3. To develop an application software for a given scenario
4. To analyse critically the scenario given and use system development tools and techniques learnt to document the flows and processes
5. To design inputs, output and files
6. To be involve in associated activities in a system development life cycle
7. To learn to work in a team

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Computer System for Information Technology (DIT)

Computer Systems for Information Technology (CSI)
(31st March 2014 – August 2014)
Unit Code : DIP/IT/ES/CSI712
Unit Title : Computer Systems for Information Technology
Unit Value : 1.0
Learning Time : 100 Hours
Aims of the unit: The unit aims to develop students' understanding of:

1. Different computer types, their attributes and characteristics
2. Functions of a software system
3. Different operating systems

Assessment Scheme: 
Phase Test (Skill Area 517)                

Assignment 1 (Skill Area 513 and 514)          

Assignment 2 (Skill Area 515 and 516)          

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Computer Networks (L4DC) - JUN 2014 cycle

This unit aims to provide you with a broad introduction to the networking and communication systems commonly employed in a business environment, along with an understanding of the underlying theoretical frameworks and associated issues such as the testing and security of these systems.